Wednesday, 11 May 2016

To make a dream

When you have a burning desire to make something,  fulfill a thing or just grant a wish.  You must realize everyone has their role to play in that dream of yours.  Some might be there to  critic your dream,  some are there to make a seemingly small dream become bigger,  yet some to make it smaller.  A few folks will walk the talk with you. Among your  friends,  you will find those who don't understand it. Even your family will have those who can't make time for your dreams. But along the way, you will find strangers who love your idea, are willing to help and may give all to make your dream come true. 
However, you need to learn that everyone you meet along the road has a role to play. Some important and some not so important. Yet they all contribute in making or marring your dream.  When we find friends who are not willing to create time for our dreams, does that mean we should  hate them?  Not everyone is suppose to give their time to building your dream, not all you speak with, will go all the way in inspiring you. You must understand that even the naysayers have a lesson in their answers. Maybe it is so you can fine tune your  prospect  or restrategize or even close the chapter entirely. We should also bear in mind that, the utmost ability to make people key into our vision lies with us. Some may key in when it is intangible, some others will get involved only  if they can quantify the gain. While for a few,  it is solely for adding value.  That does not make your dream any less than you wish.  No one can see a dream better than the dreamer, neither can anyone have a clearer blueprint of a vision brighter than the visioner.  We should learn to shoulder our dreams, and not berate those who may not take to catching on quickly with us. Just know their own purpose for that dream is simply what they are acting out. We cant throw our hands up in despair because others can't see what we see.  The question is,  whose dream is it? Yours or theirs?  Whoever said it was going to be an easy ride? Who mentioned it will be like a walk in the park?  For all those you celebrate in public, you need to see how much of time, talent and more they invested in private before getting to the level of public acceptance.  It takes more than sweat to make a dream come true.  Like a pregnant woman. She carries her baby for 9 months, she knows it has to be 9months, yet before its full term she longs for the delivery so bad, should the delivery come as pre-term she gets agitated. Yet she wants the delivery to come sooner. 

All dreams must go through its full term. While it may be uncomfortable, enjoy the process.  Though,  it may feel tough to beat, learn each lesson. If people do not get it.  You as the dreamer must get it.
Go on and dream on. The world is yours to conquer.

By- Adaeze C Nwankwo

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