Saturday 26 September 2015


I paint you red
 for the blood fused in this covenant
Can't be broken by sword,
 with this brush coating layers of season and time with each stroke.
 I know the hue of your dimple like a palette holding the shimmer of your light. 

I paint you blue
for deepest part of the sea will bring you my quiet yes
Yes to all your wishes,
 wishes of harmony and serenity of thought
With spring of joy streaming through my heart from the love you pour in me.
 Reflecting shades of calm and peace.

I paint you yellow
For summer brings sweet memories
Of your touch and kisses and the very art of your lovemaking shaping our laughter,
drumming our heartbeat,
making our body meet as one.
With blossom flower reminding me of how ripe your cleavage swells
 just as petals open up,You open my eyes to sweetness.

I paint you white
For eternity we will be
In this moment, from the endless life
 the world unknown told only through the innocence of your eyes

I paint you green
 Fresh as the morning fields,
 lushy as your sheened skin.
 With a fruity taste of your womanhood
as I polish the contour of your hip side, giving it the bounty of motherhood.

I paint you black
 For the lonely days I never knew you,
 waiting for you to come to me,
 hoping that some day I'll find you.
 Preparing my body to learn every of your finger prints
through your smile,your smell, your smooch and every detail of your tongue brushing through my skin

I paint you in love
Cause it's the only colour that will define what my heart truly knows from this precious gift of yourself you've given me.
I paint you.