Saturday 6 September 2014


when time doesn't count again..
and i cant remember a moment at all, would u remind me?
when tick tock doesn't swing me on
and hours and minutes no longer make a day, would u remind me?
oh i pray you'll be fine
be alright. just be ok
for you I'll wait this long sentence

this timeless time may be sinking me
this feeling might make me hallow
what won't kill me is this love i have for you
what will keep me going is this feeling that gives me hope
ill remember 'cos you made it count
when you told me, you'll be there for me
when you promised to hold me till the end

when the sun no longer set
and my eyelid close still, would you remind me?
if our love threatens to die
and this cupid choose to fade, would you remind me?
a kingdom full of blossom you vowed
a union tied in harmony your oath says
please remind me.