Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Take the wheel

You have the steering.  You tried turning right.  The car refused,  you make a left turn, the wheel wouldnt bulge., you apply break, the break is not responding. So you give up.You tell yourself, this where it all ends.  You insist, you are finished. 

Wait  a minute. Let's rewind the scenario again.  You've tried all you could,  but your life seems to be going on a roller coaster ride. Then you ask yourself,  who is in charge of the wheel?  Who steers the vehicle?  how come the machine have control of my destination and not me having control of it?  How did i become the unwilling passenger in this journey?  Is this the end for me? 

For some of us,  we can raise our hands up in resignation  and say. Well, i have tried all i could, so i give up.  For some other persons,  we can choose,  how we want to go down. Die trying, or die not even making an effort. Or you can even choose to jump out of the moving vehicle that has refused to let you take charge.  You might get badly injured, while doing that, you might not survive it. At least,  you will be getting off on your own terms. The upside could be, you just might come out of it a hero. So many times,  we allow an artificial fear to steer our lives. We give up on making decisions that affect our future, we will rather stay on the sidelines,  so we wouldn't blame ourselves when and if something goes wrong. We forget that the one thing/person who is in charge  of our lives, becomes empowered to do with us as they deem please. Be it for good or for bad. We limit our ability to function and go far in life to the things around us. We make being accomplished impossible,  by giving control of the steering of our life's wheel to others, with our thinking and our fear of failure, so we let others take charge of our lives.
We must learn to take control,  we must choose to be the one deciding how we go down. When things rock our boat, we must learn to show up, and take charge. we must steer our ship where we want to go. we must make this journey of life as we want it, not as people around us dictate it. We can't give up trying simply because in our thinking we tried all options.  There is always one more option left.  Find it. 
whatever you do, take charge of the wheel.