Saturday, 5 December 2015

My tombstone

On my tombstone, what will it read?
That I saw the world in beautiful colours
Of black and white and male and female
Loving them all without reserve
Giving to mankind as God has willed
Never denying the difference in taste and choice
But relishing each difference as life deems so

On my tombstone what will you write?
That I gave a shoulder to the one in need
Lend my eye to the morally blind
Share my legs to those who tire
But gave of my love as one lacking some
Never forgetting in giving, I'm blessed

On my tombstone, what will you learn?
I had a dream, and lived in full
My love to serve and give my all
Praising the beauty of mankind's grace
Making my world a more good place
So that others can surpass my goal

By my tombstone, what will you hear?
The wails of friends, and cheers of foes
The pain of folks that wish for more
Begging for time to share a sec
To tell how much they try to call,
 But differing those to wait a day,
 A wait they wish they trade for love
Now it's best we let time heal

At my tombstone what will you see?
I came with naught and left alone
Not a child to warm my dust
Or fill my bones with heed and care
Or luxury spa to glam my skin
Yet I know, I cannot be dead
I live in tombs of world's big souls
For each I taught to love with care
Will bear my name, "the one who came"
Again, I ask, what do you see?
When upon my tombstone you set your gaze

On my tombstone, what how do you see?


  1. Wonderfully set
    In sacred words
    Of wisdom
    On that eternal stone
    Glorifying God.
