Sunday, 11 March 2018


 Death to the voice
 Kill the loud
 Hush the babel
 Less they gain power of their will

 They will against our will
 They take off our ability to dare
 Not even a dream is without transgression
 Our thoughts are met with avarice

 Shush them now, they say
 Stifle their power
 Silence their experience
 Less they snowball their might
 Our voices become yearning whispers

 We are not mere mortals
 A death to our voices is a birth to a million vent
 Our grave shall be the manure giving life to the seed

 That declare our will to win
 For each silence you make, a million voices you create

 We are the seed buried, yet alive
 The voices silenced, yet screaming loud
 We are the tomb, the foundation for all the resurrection you see.

 We are the unburied buried

 We rise for each death you kill

They will against our will
They take off our ability to dare
Not even a dream is without transgression
Our thoughts are met with avarice

Shush them now, they say
Stifle their power
Silence their experience
Less they snowball their might
Our voices become yearning whispers

But we are not mere mortals
A death to our voices is a birth to a million vent
Our grave shall be the manure giving life to the seed
that declare our will to win
For each silence you make, a million voices you create

We are the seed buried, yet alive
The voices silenced, yet screaming loud
We are the tomb, the foundation for all the resurrection you see.

We are the unburied buried
We rise for each death you kill

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